Central District Continuing Education Series:
Class Textbooks:
Duvall, Scott, Daniel Hays, and Kevin Vanhoozer and Mark Strauss. Grasping God’s Word: A Hands-On Approach to Reading, Interpreting, and Applying the Bible. Third. Zondervan Academic, 2012.
Plummer, Robert. 40 Questions About Interpreting the Bible. 2nd ed. Kregel Academic, 2021.
Class Format:
On Monday (starting the 11th of September, 2023) the class lecture material will be made available via YouTube (audio podcast) and the link will be emailed/texted to you. On Thursday Evenings at 7PM we will meet via Zoom and discuss both the lecture material and also that weeks reading and assignments. The Zoom meetings will be recorded and the link sent to you (in case you miss it or want to relisten).
Class Requirements:
1. REQUIRED: Complete the Assigned Reading
2. OPTIONAL: Complete Assignments from the Required Textbook (and turn them in each week)
3. REQUIRED: Write a final Exegetical Paper demonstrating what you learned throughout the class.
The Exegetical Paper:
Choose one of these passages (or choose your own):
Romans 5:12-21
Philippians 2:1-11
Galatians 2:15-21
Use the “Content” guidelines in Appendix 2 (third edition) of Grasping God's Word:
Title Page (1 Page)
Main Idea and Outline (1 Page)
Introduction (1/2-1 Page
Context (1-2 Pages)
Content (5-8 Pages)
Application (1 Page)
Bibliography (1 Page)
Please use a 12pt Font and double space—and please clearly cite sources.
Note: I am not concerned with the exact formatting of the paper's writing style (Chicago or MLA). Please try to be consistent throughout your paper.
The Exegetical Paper is due no later than two weeks after the last Zoom meeting.
Questions: Email: [email protected] Cell: 605-461-6337
Required Reading and assignments: Grasping God’s Word
Optional Reading: Plummer
Week 1
Appendix #1, 1. Bible Translations 2. The Interpretive Journey 3. How to Read the Book — Sentences
Plummer: Chap. 1-3
Week 2
4. How to Read the Book — Paragraphs 5. How to Read the Book — Discourses
Plummer: Chap. 4-6
Part 2
Week 3
6. The Historical-Cultural Context 7. What Do We Bring to the Text?
Plummer: Chap.10-12
Week 4
8. The Literary Context 9. Word Studies
Plummer: Chap. 13
Week 5
Writing an Exegetical Paper
Turn in steps 1-4 from appendix #2
Part 3
Week 6
10. Who Controls the Meaning? 11. Levels of Meaning
Plummer: Chap. 14-15
Week 7
12. The Role of the Holy Spirit 13. Application
Plummer: Chap.16-18
Part 4
Week 8
14. New Testament — Letters 15. New Testament — Gospels
Plummer: Chap. 21, 32-33
Week 9
16. New Testament — Acts 17. New Testament — Revelation
Plummer: Chap. 25-27, 34-35
Week 10
18. Old Testament — Narrative 19. Old Testament — Law
Plummer: Chap.22
Week 11
20. Old Testament — Poetry 21. Old Testament — Prophets
Plummer: Chap.23-24
Week 12
22. Old Testament — Wisdom
Final exegetical paper
Plummer: Chap.28-31
Class Textbooks:
Duvall, Scott, Daniel Hays, and Kevin Vanhoozer and Mark Strauss. Grasping God’s Word: A Hands-On Approach to Reading, Interpreting, and Applying the Bible. Third. Zondervan Academic, 2012.
Plummer, Robert. 40 Questions About Interpreting the Bible. 2nd ed. Kregel Academic, 2021.
Class Format:
On Monday (starting the 11th of September, 2023) the class lecture material will be made available via YouTube (audio podcast) and the link will be emailed/texted to you. On Thursday Evenings at 7PM we will meet via Zoom and discuss both the lecture material and also that weeks reading and assignments. The Zoom meetings will be recorded and the link sent to you (in case you miss it or want to relisten).
Class Requirements:
1. REQUIRED: Complete the Assigned Reading
2. OPTIONAL: Complete Assignments from the Required Textbook (and turn them in each week)
3. REQUIRED: Write a final Exegetical Paper demonstrating what you learned throughout the class.
The Exegetical Paper:
Choose one of these passages (or choose your own):
Romans 5:12-21
Philippians 2:1-11
Galatians 2:15-21
Use the “Content” guidelines in Appendix 2 (third edition) of Grasping God's Word:
Title Page (1 Page)
Main Idea and Outline (1 Page)
Introduction (1/2-1 Page
Context (1-2 Pages)
Content (5-8 Pages)
Application (1 Page)
Bibliography (1 Page)
Please use a 12pt Font and double space—and please clearly cite sources.
Note: I am not concerned with the exact formatting of the paper's writing style (Chicago or MLA). Please try to be consistent throughout your paper.
The Exegetical Paper is due no later than two weeks after the last Zoom meeting.
Questions: Email: [email protected] Cell: 605-461-6337
Required Reading and assignments: Grasping God’s Word
Optional Reading: Plummer
Week 1
Appendix #1, 1. Bible Translations 2. The Interpretive Journey 3. How to Read the Book — Sentences
Plummer: Chap. 1-3
Week 2
4. How to Read the Book — Paragraphs 5. How to Read the Book — Discourses
Plummer: Chap. 4-6
Part 2
Week 3
6. The Historical-Cultural Context 7. What Do We Bring to the Text?
Plummer: Chap.10-12
Week 4
8. The Literary Context 9. Word Studies
Plummer: Chap. 13
Week 5
Writing an Exegetical Paper
Turn in steps 1-4 from appendix #2
Part 3
Week 6
10. Who Controls the Meaning? 11. Levels of Meaning
Plummer: Chap. 14-15
Week 7
12. The Role of the Holy Spirit 13. Application
Plummer: Chap.16-18
Part 4
Week 8
14. New Testament — Letters 15. New Testament — Gospels
Plummer: Chap. 21, 32-33
Week 9
16. New Testament — Acts 17. New Testament — Revelation
Plummer: Chap. 25-27, 34-35
Week 10
18. Old Testament — Narrative 19. Old Testament — Law
Plummer: Chap.22
Week 11
20. Old Testament — Poetry 21. Old Testament — Prophets
Plummer: Chap.23-24
Week 12
22. Old Testament — Wisdom
Final exegetical paper
Plummer: Chap.28-31